Friday, September 10, 2010

Visiting the Doctor, by Robin

Today, I had a doctor's appointment. Mom had to pull me out of school
at 10.15, so when the class left at 10 for a movie of a jazz concert,
the teacher suggested that I should stay in the classroom. After all those
times of being found alone in the classroom because I had no idea where
everyone else was I finally had a reason.

The doctor's office was up a flight of stairs. It was the first time I'd been upstairs in a while.

So now I have a different pimple cream. I have to wait a month for it to be effective. This is disappointing. I just hope the stuff works eventually.

Mom was asking me why I had my raingear on if it wasn't raining, and I told her that it was because it would dry off better on me then it would in my bag, and then a few minutes later it started raining again. Yes, I told her, I know that I look weird. Sometimes it's not fun to be right, especially when you weren't trying. Telepathy? Or just me not dealing with my raingear? We will never know. [insert soundtrack here]

My little brother's Danish tutor just asked me if I had mosquito bites.
Stupid pimples. [sigh]

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