Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Squeezing in a few more things

How could we live in Denmark for a year and not visit The Little Mermaid?
We joined the crowds and posed like the tourists we had become.
 Also on our do-before-we-leave list was to eat a Kinder Surprise.
They are banned in the US because the little toy in the hollow chocolate egg is a choking hazard.
We enjoyed one last meal by the sea,
including s'mores.
Then it was time for the final packing and the final weighing of suitcases, followed by deciding what to leave behind and give away.  I wasn't sure how we would check out so early since no one was at the desk to take the keys.  We told to simply leave them on the counter - very un-American.

We set three alarms so we wouldn't miss our 5:30 pick up, and that was it.  The year crawled by in a flash.

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