Monday, December 20, 2010


Thanks to the generosity of a dinner guest (who didn't even make it to dinner - have I mentioned we have had a lot of snowstorms?), we were all set to make candy.
At this time of year there are logs of marzipan of different colors and many kinds of nougat for sale, along with chocolate and decorations.  We used recipes from Odense, the marzipan company, but they were more of assembly instructions.
We did not have decorations, but the results still looked good and tasted fantastic.  R. knows what she wants to do for her next party.


  1. I still really like marzipan.

  2. Hi Judy,
    The marzipan/chocolate looks delicious! I wish I could have some.
    The snow situation in europe sounds so overwhelming. I am sorry that you all have to deal with it, with no car! It must be so cold pedaling around outside.
    Hope your trip to Israel is fantastic.
