Sunday, May 8, 2011


What a great day!  We cycled to the bird sanctuary on the quad.  In the US people roll down their windows and snap pictures and shout cheers or corny jokes ("The one in back isn't pedaling").  In Denmark maybe we hear someone say something to someone else ("Look at the four-person bike") but no one shouts anything to us (remember the Jante's Law).

Once at the sanctuary we walked along this path, which is raised above the swampy area and is covered with a metal grid to make it less slippery.

This is the lake we walked along to get to...

...this viewing tower.

There were windows we could open and a nice panoramic view, but I could not capture it with our camera.

Inside the tower there were a couple tables (so one could sit and draw?) and a notebook for writing observations.  There is a place online to record similar information and we know others had seen a white stork, but we saw only some ducks and gull-like birds.

We stopped at the restaurant at the Roskilde campground on the way home and enjoyed a special dessert in honor of David's promotion to full professor.


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