As students were walking up the sidewalk toward school the construction workers decided it was the right time to back down the same sidewalk. I thought, "That is would not happen at home." The workers in the US would probably not be allowed to drink beer at break time, either.
I don't remember advertisements for pork showing happy pigs. |
Last time I visited the hand tool museum, which has an enormous collection of historic wood-working tools (to make things like wooden shoes, wooden carriage wheels, and wooden barrels), there was absolutely no staff around and I could try any tool, if I chose. Today we visited the museum again and there was one staff person in period costume. He encouraged us to use the tools! No waiver to sign, no long list of instructions. Very un-American.
Beer sold in the canteen where David works. People walking around the locker room without a towel - just walking around naked. As if it were normal! Cars looking for cyclists before turning right. Kids going on field trips without permission slips. Life is different here!
David and A. got to watch the ManU v. Barcelona game tonight. They showed 45 minutes of soccer with no commercials. Very un-American!