Sunday, May 8, 2011


notice dandelions right in the front of the circle as well as to each side
For the past week I have been thinking of a friend in Ithaca who wondered why people thought of dandelions as weeds.  Rebecca C., you would enjoy spring in Denmark!  I have not seen a single Chemlawn truck or other signs of pesticides and I haven't seen the city workers digging up dandelions growing in the traffic circle near the park.

During our family ride we saw fields of dandelions, which may be plowed under before long.

out standing in the field


  1. Hi Judy,
    Well, as you may know, dandelions are edible and maybe Danish people like to pick them to eat or cook. Our friends in Ithaca keep degus (a gerbil-like animal from South America), and they feed them all the dandelions that they can get. I don't use Chemlawn!
    Good luck on the upcoming marathon. You are amazing! I plan to do the one mile race before the ithaca festival parade, later on this month.

  2. BTW, Franny is really Esther. Franny forgot to sign out of her google account....again. Also, congratulations to David on his promotion!!
