Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog logistics

Twenty-six of you signed up as followers of this blog, but what does that mean?  Some people logically thought it meant they would be told when I had a new post, but were disappointed to learn this was not true.  You simply had to keep checking back, which helped my stats.  (Little aside - I can see all sorts of stats, like which operating system people use to view the blog - 49% on Macs and only 2% on Linux.  The statistics also show how many views I have received from each country - 33 hits from Ukraine!)

But now, thanks to alert reader Laura K., I learned how to add a gadget to the blog that will allow you to submit your email address and receive notification when I post something.

To reward you for your willingness to check out this blog without getting any email I will post a couple pictures, just because.

one of my favorite houses on the harbor

the view from that house


  1. I usually read your posts in Google reader - and it tells me when there are new posts. I come to the blog if I want to comment.

    (catching up in the Seoul airport hub lounge while waiting for our Melbourne flight)

  2. Exactly what Debbie said for me too. I really enjoy these posts a lot.

  3. And since I am on blogger, I am notified when I check in to my dashboard as to which of the blogs I follow have updates.
