Sunday, June 5, 2011


looking out from the shore
We returned from Hungary in time for a four day weekend (Thursday was Ascension Day, or Kristi Himmelfartsdag in Danish) and the best weather you could imagine.  It was over 25ºC and clear blue skies.  We cycled to a harbor north of town one day, but the next day we cycled to a small beach closer to home.
looking toward the shore - if you look at the house above the boat you might notice that it has a thatched roof
Even though it is very shallow for a long distance, it gets deep enough to use the diving board at the end 
of the dock.  There are several sets of stairs off the dock if you prefer to enter the water slowly.

Twice during the week at 7am and at 7:30am on the weekends a group of skinny dippers meets at this same spot, rain or shine.  This morning the sun was definitely shining (official sunrise was 4:33am) so I cycled over and joined about a dozen nøgenbadere.  I have not had such an idyllic swim since my last visit to the Adirondacks or maybe Shapleigh Pond in Maine.  After our swim someone checked the thermometer and people were so surprised the water was 20ºC that we decided to get back in!
A. second swim of the day
During the day everybody wears suits, although some little kids are naked or in their underwear.  Many people change from their suits into their clothing right on the beach, and not under a towel.  It is definitely not a big deal.

R. holding a moon jelly
Bumping into jellies when swimming is both fascinating and a little creepy.  We have only seen the water jellies (as opposed to the fire jellies), and I hope it stays that way.

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