Monday, January 17, 2011

Ice cubes

The Danes around here seem to have the opposite of American refrigerators with ice cube makers.  Not only do they drink their water warm, but most refrigerators I have seen do not have a freezer compartment.  The families have a chest freezer in a different part of house and ours came with only a little ice cube tray with heart-shaped cube openings.  I am not sure where I would put a traditional ice cube tray if I did have one.

A solution has been found!  You can buy one-use plastic bags that you fill with water and tie the knot (above).  Not so environmentally sound, but I had to try it so I could blog about it!

This is what it looked like after it was frozen.  I did not try to find a flat space, figuring the point was to make it convenient by just dropping it in.

Next the bag is twisted until the cubes come loose and you have a bag of ice cubes.  So entertaining and functional, too.

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