Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wilder wildlife

While it is good to explore new things, there is something comforting in a familiar place, even if we have been there only once.  The kids and I headed back to the beach and this time I brought my prescription goggles.  Arlo swam out to the dock and I joined him before having a little swim on my own.  Just as the kids said, there were gobs of jellyfish (jellies).  It was very spooky, even knowing they are Common Moon Jellyfish, which don't sting humans.

Tomorrow I'll swim with a group of retirees who gather three mornings a week for a little dip in the fjord.  It is free to swim with them in the summer, but in the winter there is a fee because after breaking the ice and having a swim, they use a sauna set up for them.  I haven't asked what they wear in the sauna, but there is definitely a different level of modesty here.

In other news, I saw the mailman, who rides a motorcycle with side bags.  We were told the mail might not be delivered if we didn't have our full name on the mailbox.
our mailman


  1. Hi Judy, Glad I found your blog. Yours and Robin's posts are great, and I look forward to enjoying your sabbatical vicariously.

  2. wow that all sounds so interesting! jellyfish, how cool. swimming in ice, hard to imagine! How warm is the water now?

    I'm in Melbourne now, not much internet access.

  3. The water is just right. I don't know the temperature, but it is cool when I first jump, but I get out feeling refreshed, not cold.
